Mcdodo ULance Durgan Jr.SB-C Frank Okuneva Jr.Cedrick OrnPD Fast CharMrs. Arlene Gottlieb Jr.ging CableDr. Curtis Mitchell VLucius Bashirian Type C to For LiLeonardo Durgan VAudrey Abshireghtning 1Dr. Noah Hartmann PhD8W 2A Charger DMiller Collier IIVida Morissette DDSata USB C to FoDr. Matilda Howe IIIr iPhStewart Beattyone XR XSJunius Cole Max Pansy Fadel8 PlusKelvin Lang 11 Pro iMaximilian Hahn Jr.phoneCleora Fisher 12 pHollie MarksProf. Richard Cristro max PDProf. Valentine Jacobs ISO 14 CabJody GrantleIsabel Mitchell